Birthday Party Celebration!
Saturday August
6, 2016
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Sherry Marshalek McCune and Judy Kiline Wagner |
Maureen Morsey Matty and Mark Matty |
Lou Savani with Tina Stanley |
Rick Engelbert with Joyce Engelbert |
Bob Preisach with his wife, Paula Preisach |
Linda Harrison Proch and Marcy Joseph Zezzo |
Valerie Brooks Condron and Cheryl Paul Jeffcoat |
Evelyn Brown Humelsine and Sharon Eresh Kramer |
Mike Kingerski |
Sue Winkler Bestwick with Chuck Beckett and Marianne Davis Woleslagle |
Sue Caswell Ranalli, Dave Luehm, and Vickie Austin Luehm |
Karl Kunkle with Debbie Nabuda Kunkle |
Peggy Stafford Murray with John Murray |
Jeanine Miller Felentzer and Ed "Corky" Martin |
Cecelia Lyons and Curtis Hughes |
Sandy Rice Mowery with Dan Mowery |
Mike Russak Mullineaux and Ken Horner |
John "Babe" Chabala with Susan Chabala
Clyde Wilson with Karen Wilson |
Gene Lucas with Barb Matta |
Tim Kettren and Joycelyn Kennel Kettren |
Debbie Mitchell Huemme with Marty Lukick |
Marion Robare Petrovay and Marcia Matty |
Gloria Bucklew Brown and Jamie Prady |
Jim Hilton |
Peggy Stafford Murray and Karen Tortella Peddicord |
Mark Matty, Robin Lemmon, Jamie Prady, Nancy Bailley Gaffron, Chuck
Beckett |
Carol Kustra Hilton and Rose Kraus Becek
DIANTHUS STREET NEIGHBORS: Sharon Eresh Kramer, Bob Litterini, Janet
Javor Iacone |
CIRCLEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Linda Harrison Proch, Dave Luehm, Jane
Higgins Litterini |
Sherry Marshalek McCune with Joe Tortorice |
Rose Kraus Becek and Sue Winkler Bestwick |
Jane Higgins Litterini, Robyn Lemmon McClain and Debbie Baldridge
DeZorzi |
Ken Horner and Victoria Ed |
Paula Priesach with Bob Preisach,Tim Holloway, Mike Gebrosky, Frank
Gombos |
Joycelyn & Tim with caricature artist Melissa Dube Rabal
Marcia Matty, Bill Judge, Marion Robare Petrovay |
Rod McClain, Cecelia Lyons, Robyn Lemmon McClain, Sharon Switzer
Heath, Marianne Davis Woleslagle |
FRONT: Judy Kline Wagner, Sharon Switzer Heath, Maureen Morsey
Matty, Janet Javor Iacone BACK: Marion Robare Petrovay, Marcia Matty,
Gloria Bucklew Brown, Pat Clayton Whoolery |
Nancy Painter Bortz, Gloria Bucklew Brown, Pat Clayton Whoolery |
Corky Martin, Mark Matty, Jamie Prady, Kurt Allenbaugh, Nancy Bailley
Gaffron, George Gaffron |
John Rodman and Curt Hughes |
Karen Tortella Peddicord and Lou Peddicord |
Sandy Kean Fry, Cheryl Paul Jeffcoat, Mike Kingerski |
Sandy Rice Mowery and Linda McClure Lender |
Jeanine Miller Felentzer with Lonnie Felentzer Kathy Lane Henry
with Jerry Radebaugh
Patty Bridge Lansperger and Ken Horner |
Bob Litterini, Mark Matty, Chuck Beckett, Jerry Grcevich |
NORTH IRWIN GRADE 4: Joycelyn Kennel Kettren, John Rodman, Gloria
Bucklew Brown, Ken Horner, Mike Russak Mullineaux, Frank Smith
Diane Gaffron Bencloski and Nancy Bailley Gaffron |
Marianne Davis Woleslagle and Sharon Switzer Heath |
Debbie Mitchell Huemme with Marty Lukick |
Robyn Lemmon McClain, Sherry Marshalek McCune, Gloria Bucklew Brown
Suzanne Caswell Ranali with Chuck Ranali |
Robyn, Joycelyn, and Jane |
Dancing to the cool sounds of The Band
FRONT ROW: Tim Holloway and Frank Gombos
BACK ROW: Paul Humelsine, Joe Tortorice, Carl Dayton, Paula Preisach,
Evelyn Brown Humelsine, John Rodman, Curt Hughes, Ken Horner, Tim
Some people never change. |
More pictures to come!
Do you have any pictures you would like to share?
Please send them to Dave@NorwinClassOf1969.com |
Tara Nicolai and Stephanie McCune West
Jim Hilton and The Instant Gators
Jeff Ingersoll, Lenny Smith, Jim Hilton, Ray Crowell