65th Birthday Party Celebration!

Saturday August 6, 2016


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Sherry Marshalek McCune and Judy Kiline Wagner

Maureen Morsey Matty and Mark Matty

Lou Savani with Tina Stanley



Rick Engelbert with Joyce Engelbert


Bob Preisach with his wife, Paula Preisach


Linda Harrison Proch and Marcy Joseph Zezzo



Valerie Brooks Condron and Cheryl Paul Jeffcoat


Evelyn Brown Humelsine and Sharon Eresh Kramer


Mike Kingerski



Sue Winkler Bestwick with Chuck Beckett and Marianne Davis Woleslagle


Sue Caswell Ranalli, Dave Luehm, and Vickie Austin Luehm


Karl Kunkle with Debbie Nabuda Kunkle



Peggy Stafford Murray with John Murray


Jeanine Miller Felentzer and Ed "Corky" Martin


Cecelia Lyons and Curtis Hughes



Sandy Rice Mowery with Dan Mowery


Mike Russak Mullineaux and Ken Horner


John "Babe" Chabala with Susan Chabala



Clyde Wilson with Karen Wilson

Gene Lucas with Barb Matta

Tim Kettren and Joycelyn Kennel Kettren



Debbie Mitchell Huemme with Marty Lukick


Marion Robare Petrovay and Marcia Matty


Gloria Bucklew Brown and Jamie Prady



Jim Hilton


Peggy Stafford Murray and Karen Tortella Peddicord


Mark Matty, Robin Lemmon, Jamie Prady, Nancy Bailley Gaffron, Chuck Beckett



Carol Kustra Hilton and Rose Kraus Becek


DIANTHUS STREET NEIGHBORS: Sharon Eresh Kramer, Bob Litterini, Janet Javor Iacone


CIRCLEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Linda Harrison Proch, Dave Luehm, Jane Higgins Litterini


Sherry Marshalek McCune with Joe Tortorice


Rose Kraus Becek and Sue Winkler Bestwick


Jane Higgins Litterini, Robyn Lemmon McClain and Debbie Baldridge DeZorzi



Ken Horner and Victoria Ed


Paula Priesach with Bob Preisach,Tim Holloway, Mike Gebrosky, Frank Gombos


Joycelyn & Tim with caricature artist Melissa Dube Rabal






Marcia Matty, Bill Judge, Marion Robare Petrovay

Rod McClain, Cecelia Lyons, Robyn Lemmon McClain, Sharon Switzer Heath, Marianne Davis Woleslagle

FRONT: Judy Kline Wagner, Sharon Switzer Heath, Maureen Morsey Matty, Janet Javor Iacone BACK: Marion Robare Petrovay, Marcia Matty, Gloria Bucklew Brown, Pat Clayton Whoolery



Nancy Painter Bortz, Gloria Bucklew Brown, Pat Clayton Whoolery


Corky Martin, Mark Matty, Jamie Prady, Kurt Allenbaugh, Nancy Bailley Gaffron, George Gaffron


John Rodman and Curt Hughes



Karen Tortella Peddicord and Lou Peddicord


Sandy Kean Fry, Cheryl Paul Jeffcoat, Mike Kingerski


Sandy Rice Mowery and Linda McClure Lender



Jeanine Miller Felentzer with Lonnie Felentzer Kathy Lane Henry with Jerry Radebaugh



Patty Bridge Lansperger and Ken Horner


Bob Litterini, Mark Matty, Chuck Beckett, Jerry Grcevich



NORTH IRWIN GRADE 4: Joycelyn Kennel Kettren, John Rodman, Gloria Bucklew Brown, Ken Horner, Mike Russak Mullineaux, Frank Smith


Diane Gaffron Bencloski and Nancy Bailley Gaffron


Marianne Davis Woleslagle and Sharon Switzer Heath



Debbie Mitchell Huemme with Marty Lukick


Robyn Lemmon McClain, Sherry Marshalek McCune, Gloria Bucklew Brown


Suzanne Caswell Ranali with Chuck Ranali




Robyn, Joycelyn, and Jane


Dancing to the cool sounds of The Band


FRONT ROW: Tim Holloway and Frank Gombos

BACK ROW: Paul Humelsine, Joe Tortorice, Carl Dayton, Paula Preisach, Evelyn Brown Humelsine, John Rodman, Curt Hughes, Ken Horner, Tim Kettren




Some people never change.



More pictures to come!

Do you have any pictures you would like to share?

Please send them to



Tara Nicolai and Stephanie McCune West





Jim Hilton and The Instant Gators

Jeff Ingersoll, Lenny Smith, Jim Hilton, Ray Crowell








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